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international call 国际呼叫
international calling frequency 国际呼叫频率
international candle 国际烛光
international candle 坎德拉
International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association 国际货物装卸协调联合会
International Cargo Handling Coordination association 国际货物装卸协调协会
International Cargo Handling Coordination Association 国际货物装卸协会
International Cargo Transportation Insurance Clauses 国际货物运输保险条款
International Carriage of Goods by Sea 国际海上货物运输
International Carriage of Passengers by Sea 国际海上旅客运输
international carriage 国际运输
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk 国际散装运输危险化学品适装证书
International Chamber Commerce 国际商会
International Chamber of Commerce Ltd. 国际商会
International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会
International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会地址:38 Cours Albert Ier
International Chamber of Shipping 国际航运公会
International Chamber of Shipping 国际航运公会国际航运协会
International Chart Series 国际连续出版海图
International Christian Maritime Association 国际基督徒海事协会
International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织
International Claims Association 国际索赔协会
International Cloud Atlas 《国际云图》
International Co-operation Administration 国际协作经营
International code  《国际信号规则》
international code book 国际信号书
international code flag 国际信号旗
international code flags 国际信号旗
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 国际散装运输液化气船舶构造和设备规则
International Code of Signals 《国际信号规则》
International Code of Signals 《国际信号规则》国际信号代码
international code of signals 国际信号代码
International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk 国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则
International Code User 国际电码用户
International Comity 国际礼让
International Commercial Arbitration 国际商事仲裁
international commercial radio 国际商业无线电
International Commercial Terms 《国际商业条款》
International Commission for Radiological Protection 国际辐射保委员会
International Commission for the North West Atlantic Fisheries 西北大西洋渔业国际委员会
International Commission for the South-east Atlantic Fisheries 东南大西洋国际渔业委员会
international Commission of Illumination 国际照明委员会
International Commission on Acoustic 国际声学委员会
International Commission on Illumination 国际照明委员会
International Commission on Radiological Protection 国际放射性辐射防护委员会
International Committee for the Organization of Traffic at Sea 国际海上交通机构委员会国际海上交通组织委员会
International Committee for the Organization of Traffic at Sea 国际海上交通组织委员会国际海上交通机构委员会
International Committee of Aeronautical Navigation 国际航空导航委员会
International Committee of Passenger Lines 国际客运公司委员会
International Committee of Red Cross 国际红十字委员会
International Commodity Agreement 国际商品协定
International Commodity Agreements 《国际商品协议》
International Communication Association 国际通信协会
international communication satellite 国际通信卫星
International Communications Satellite Consortium 国际通信卫星财团国际通信卫星联合组织
International Complementary Service 国际追加服务
International Computation Center 国际计算中心
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 国际自由贸易联合会
International Conferenc on Marine Pollution 国际海洋污染会议
International Conference of Safery of Life at Sea 国际海上人命安全会议
international conference on communication 国际通信会议
International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment 国际海洋环境工程会议
International Conference on Information Processing 国际信息处理委员会
International Conference on Load Line 国际载重线会议
International Conference on Marine Pollution 国际海洋污染会议
International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea 国际海上人命安全会议
International Conference to Descipline the Use of Radar in Maritime Navigation 规定海上使用雷达的国际会议
international connection 国际交往
International Consultation Committee for Telegraph and Telephone 国际电报电话咨询委员会
International Consultative Committee for Radio Communication 国际无线电通信咨询委员会
International Consultative Committee 国际咨询委员会
International Consultative Telegraph and Telephone Committee 国际电报与电话咨询委员会
International Container Bureau 国际集装箱局
International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail 《国际铁路货运公约》
International Convention for Safe Container 《国际安全集装箱公约》
International Convention for Safe Container 国际安全集装箱公约
international Convention for Safe Container 国际集装箱安全公约
international Convention for Safe Container 国际集装箱安全公约《国际安全集装箱公约》
International Convention for Safe Containers 国际集装箱安全公约
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship 国际船舶防污染公约
international Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 1973 年国际防止船舶污染公约
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 《防止船舶污染国际公约》
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 国际防止船舶造成污染公约
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 《国际防止海上油污公约》《国际防止海上油污染公约》
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 《国际防止海上油污染公约》
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 国际防止海上油污公约
International Convention for the Protection of Submarine Telegraph Cables 保海底电缆的国际公约
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 《1960年国际海上人命安全公约》《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》《国际海上人命安全公约》国际海上人命安全公约国际海上人命安全条约
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 《国际海上人命安全公约》
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 国际海上人命安全公约
International Convention for the Saving Life at Sea 《国际海上人命救助公约》
international Convention for the Unification for Certain Rules Relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea 关于统一海上客运若干规则的国际公约
international Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in Regard to Collisions 统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in Regard to Collisions 统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in Regard to Collisions 统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定国际公约统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading 《统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约》
international Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading 关于统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约
international Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea 1910 1910 年关于统一海难救助若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea 1938年统一关于海上对航空器或由航空器进行救助的若干规则的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea 1961 1961年统一海上旅客运输若干规定的国际公约
international Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Penal Jurisdiction in Maters of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation 关于统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约
International Convention of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 《1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约》
International Convention of Safe Container 国际集装箱安全公约
International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea 国际海上人命安全公约
international Convention on Certain Rules Concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision 船舶碰撞中民事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约
international Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 国际油污损害民事责任
international Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 国际油污损害民事责任《国际油污损害民事责任公约》
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution 国际油污损害民事责任公约
International Convention on Load Line 《国际船舶载重线公约》
International Convention on Load Lines 《1966年国际船舶载重线公约》
international Convention on Load lines 国际船舶载重线公约
International Convention on Load-Lines 国际船舶载重线公约
international Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 1979 年国际海上搜寻救助公约
International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 国际海上搜寻救助公约
international Convention on Stadards of Training Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers海员培训发证及值班标准国际公约
International Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 《1958年纽约仲裁国际公约》
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969 《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 国际船舶吨位丈量公约
international Convention on Toonage Measurement of Ships 1969 1969 年国际船舶吨位丈量公约
International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 《国际制止公海油污染事件公约》
International convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 《国际干预公海油污事件公约》
international Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 国际干预公海油污事件公约


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